Route de la Vallée de l'Ubaye Serre-Ponçon
Route de la Vallée de l'Ubaye Serre-Ponçon

Free shuttles

The best way to get around with ease without having to use your car.

The timetable will be available soon

Free shuttles Ubaye Serre-Ponçon

Free shuttles connections between villages and resorts of the Ubaye Serre-Ponçon Valley.

Summer timetable


Tour de France 2024

Because the Tour de France will be passing through Ubaye on stages 18 and 19, the routes and timetables of the free Ubaye shuttles will be modified on 18 and 19 July 2024.

Please note: no shuttle service to Pra Loup and Le Sauze on Thursday 18 July

Tour de France shuttle timetable